PMT tires make an insane amount of difference

I’ve been riding my Teverun Fighter Supreme for over a year. I love 72v, I ride for recreation on empty bike trails and on 35mph roads. I usually cruise 20-45mph, where I never see the end of the torque curve. Used to ride motorcycles and I treat fast scooters like fragile motorcycles that can’t lean more than 15 degrees, with counter steering and lots of body lean to make up for the limitations. I ride whenever I can - about 1500 miles a year - and it’s my favorite awareness sport. So that’s my context.

Did last year on stock tires, and bought myself a set of PMTs for Christmas. I’d been skeptical that they were enough upgrade to match the price, I got plenty of joy out of stock nylon tires, but another redditor convinced me to try. Did my favorite 35 miles loop on stock tires - could probably swap front to back and go another 500 miles, my style doesn’t over stress tires - then swapped in PMTs and did the same loop the next day.

Going from nylon to real rubber makes an insane amount of difference. Dead quiet, incredibly smooth, and soooo much traction. Amazing boost to road feel and control. Rubber doesn’t skip over road pebbles like nylon does, it conforms to them. Also tires are narrower than stock, turn in is smooth as can be.

TL;DR PMT rubber tires are an amazing upgrade from cheaper nylon tires. The performance upgrade goes way beyond the $100 extra cost. If you are riding 72v on nylon, make this your next purchase.