Does difficulty increase after NG+7 ? Pls read below
Hi guys, just a question out of curiosity. Being that I’m back playing Elden ring for the millionth time and I’m playing with a couple of friends. I’m not a noob by any means and have close to 30,000 hours across all Souls game so I’d figure I’d know if this was a thing.
One of my friends mentioned that in Elden Ring alone that yes difficulty caps at NG+7(per usual I told him) but he told me his game and fight against Radahn was so much harder and difficult because after NG+7 the difficulty doesn’t increase BUT the enemy attack patterns and enemy attack speed increases with each subsequent NG+ after 7. Is this a real thing or is he just excusing his ability to “Git Gud” ? lol.
I feel like if such thing was true, I would have heard something about this by now considering how long the games been out, it would be somewhere in the wiki, some YouTuber would have talked about it. But I cannot find any information that says such thing is true. All other games were the same with the NG+ cap and I don’t see why this would be different.
Please let me know if this is accurate or not.