Ynnari are they viable?
One of the few Soup style lists left in the game. Are they viable? I have a few ideas as to how I’d look to play them. More importantly a lot of conversion and paint ideas for them as well.
The list I’m most drawn to is as follows.
The Yncarne - not 100% sold on this at 350pts but really want to paint it. I’m sure with an early doors vehicle kill it could be a force multiplier.
Yvraine with a unit of Corsair Voidscared. Looking to deep strike in via Yvraines rules if that’s allowed.
Archon + 5 incubi in a Venom
Autarch wayleaper spear and fusion gun with maniblasters and the Phoenix Gem
2 x 10 voidreavers with ranged weapons
3 shroud runners
4 skyweavers with glaives and haywire
Voidraven bomber with void lances
2 dual lance warwalkers