Tolerance and timing?

I've been on venlafaxine 75mg xr for probably 10 years. I stopped going to the doctor that prescribed it to me because he was your typical quack. I continued to get my scripts from my pcp, but that's as far as she can help me with this type of med.

I'm now having some serious issues with my mental and physical health, I'd like to rule out if the effexor is related or not.

Is it possible that ive built up a tolerance and am now sort of in a constant state of withdrawal? I know that typically they'll increase your dose periodically.

I'm sure I was misdiagnosed in the first place.. (gad).. but here are my symptoms

  • paresthesia mostly on my head, face and neck, feels like pins and needles, burning sensations, and lack of feeling. It moves around to different locations but seems primarily my left side. This numbness stays with me constantly, unless i can go about a month without panic attacks. It comes right back if i have one. It isnt brain zaps, i do get those if i miss a dose. (This scares me and causes alot of the dooming anxiety)

*Constant anxiety, leading to severe panic attacks

  • mood swings, highs and lows, possible manic episodes?

To add, I'm working hard on getting into a new psychiatrist but it takes a long time around here.