erc dancing videos
one thing ive seen a lot on ed/recovery tiktok are erc dancing videos. they all look the exact same, showing the wood bed, girls in unhealthy bodies wearing either skin tight or baggy af clothes just dancing while making sure to highlight their ng tubes. and theres always the most random captions too. i was thinking about these videos and these questions came to mind
why is it always erc?? theres so many ip/residential in the us yet all of the treatment dancing videos are always at erc for some reason. why dont we see these videos from other treatment centers?
when this is happening, do they get caught? when i was in treatment, i was watched practically 24/7. while i could get away with making a tiktok sitting down, i would absolutely be caught and redirected if i started dancing. also, how are these girls left unattended in their rooms for so long? every ip/res ive gone to you are only allowed in your room to sleep and you wouldnt have your phone on you. how are these girls not getting caught by the staff? they have to be either sneaking away, the staff knows and doesnt care/ignoring them, or staff arent watching the patients. if its the case of staff arent watching patients for so long that they can set up and do a dance that im sure makes noise, that is extremely dangerous for the patients there since ip/res is considered high risk
im positive erc knows about these videos. question is, why have they not done anything to prevent this from happening? do they not see those videos and realize that either a retraining of staff or policies need to be adjusted? could there be something sinister going on? like if the dancing videos stay up, its like free advertising from patients in treatment to those with eds about ercs program?
anyway these are my thoughts about the situation and id love to hear what you all have to think