Myarfidlife Crazy Mom
I don't see anyone else talking about this really and I am NOT promoting hate towards a child but this account keeps popping up and it gives me the super creeps esp this random old lady named christabelle being a superfan stalker in the comments seriously wtf am I INSANE to feel like all of this attention and fixation and obsession over every little tiny discomfort or perceived discomfort this kid experiences is just reinforcing attention seeking bratty behavior. (All moms fault). I'm autistic and my GOD the way she is catered to is just too much--examples that come to mind are her brother giving her a YouTube play button about her subscriber count on HIS birthday, the weird scripts the mom writes, there's nothing in this child's life but arfid arfid arfid and I think it is such a disservice to such a young child to put their neuroses on the internet. Fucks sake mom even has a video of the kids bare feet. Anyone else icked out by this account? It also carries a heavy manipulative tone that if people don't watch the videos Hannah won't recover. Why did they not contact a treatment program? The child does not appear to be at all malnourished yet mom constantly talks about the threat of a feeding tube. It's just child exploitation 101 and now they've got merchandise.