A Lipogram for Tobias Andrion, or, "Carlton Banks"

I had a compulsion to construct an original list following a particularly insomniac night. This isn't particularly unusual: If I can't nap, I sit down at my PC, lost in thought, and throw a bunch of cards into a list. It usually functions as a solid distraction for a bit.

But this build was abnormal. I was drawn to construct [[Tobias Andrion]] with a twist. A twist that wasn't hard, just wacky: I would build a list of cards all lacking a particular symbol. Not just any symbol, mind you: A symbol on 23,575 cards!

Naturally, this task was difficult. Almost no cards in all of Magic could fit into my list with this constraint, but I did all I could to work within it.

Soon, I had a functional list. You won't find any crazy combos, just a straightforward mix of boring, vanilla guys... and a handful of artifacts. But still, I had hit my mark. If you wish to look upon it, you may click this link.

A Lipogram for Tobias Andrion, or, "Carlton Banks"

(If you wish to study additional thoughts I had, you may click an icon that looks similar to a book.)

And if you want to bring up any thoughts, you may do so.

P.S. I find it funny that, if I ditch [[Tundra]], my list drops in cost by about $400.