What are some commanders that interact a lot with the table?
Looking at my deck pool earlier I came to a realization that they are all extremely...one track/helmet decks. Most of them are either stompy combat decks or combo decks that are insulated by a bunch of protection. Whilst they do have some spot removal and wipes, they don't really interact with my opponents and their cards much. They just 'do the thing' and win (or don't).
So, I'm looking for a new commander. Someone that is either interaction in the command zone, or someone who incentivizes/rewards running a lot of interaction in the 99. I want to hold up mana and have a response. I want to be able to remove threats somewhat easily. I want to be flexible. I want to play on other peoples turns, not just my own. Who could I look at building?
Budget isn't really a concern. Thank you in advance.