Anti Mono-black deck?

For the most part I am looking forward to going home for the holidays. It's just that I know that my older brother is going to insist on playing the same un-fun, overpowered, tryhard monoblack commander deck he always plays and sweep every game. I've just had the idea that I could make it fun for myself by building a deck for the sole purpose of taking him down.

ENTER; Protection From Black!

For Commanders I'm either going to use Mikaeus, the Lunarch (his is Mikaeus, the Unhallowed) or just anything silly with pro-black like Akroma, drop suggestions.

It's been a long time since I've built an EDH deck and I'm out of touch with the cardbase so please suggest anything you can think of for the 99!

Inb4 doom blade

Disclaimer: I'm aware that this is a joke that will be funny for the first five minutes at the table and then sad for the next forty, but yknow. Family. Besides, it's casual play and I'll probably only use this deck once! Save it.

Because it's more of a meme deck I don't need any real killer win-cons. I probably won't spend very much money on the actual deck but I'm still interested in seeing all of your suggestions and strategies. I'm also looking at graveyard hate and exile creature removal to combat his Mikaeus.

Thanks Reddit!