Questions from a casual Offline player.
I'm almost only play offline, BAP, Franchise, or with friends. Sometimes i'll play some 1v1v1 or 3v3s but that's about it.
Is it me, or the AI is completely weird ? Against my friends we can actually play hockey, but against the AI on pro, it seems like all 5 of them will simply chase the puck holder, and hunt him down, I barely have the time to make a pass, bc they hit me from 15 feet away.
I only play on pro, base sliders, total controls. I know some will say "get good" or "you're just bad" but, when I play against reel people, i'm fine, but against the base cpu... I struggle.
Anyone else feels the same? Or I just suck, and the real humans I play against suck more ? Maybe I need the adjust the sliders, but it kinda feels like cheating but if it's the only way to have a decent "real" gameplay, maybe I gotta do that.