It was duskwood that finished me off, not the other way around...
Hello, so I'm part of the French duskwood community. And I FINALLY finished this game I started it several years ago and had to start it again 3 times ; (for reasons; the old phone I was playing on for the first time decided to reset the game. Then the phone updates were no longer compatible with the game ;-; And so I waited to have a new phone to FINALLY start again and especially finish duskwood).
But as the title indicates I finally finished the game - or rather it's the opposite - I took a monstrous slap in the face with the ending. This final revelation honestly I did not expect it! I was as shocked as Jessy (minus the tears but I wasn't far off I swear 🥲)
Here I had to talk about it, after years of playing it I feel almost empty, it's hard to explain