Whats the hardest drug to quit for YOU personally

Again i want to clarify that i want your personal struggles with specific substances, im curious to see the results. What drugs can you not seem to shake fully.

Ive done every drug class and multiple in each of them, but these are the ones that either ruined me and i had to quit, or ones i still cant see a life without.

  1. Nicotine- This is the one addiction i ABSOLUTELY cannot imagine leaving behind. So available, everyone does it, and god damn i love my american spirit blacks more than living at all.

  2. Fentanyl- Easily the best high on this list, the most addictive, and some of the worst withdrawals on the planet. As any of you know the rush of smoking or shooting an opioid is a feeling you will never want to truly part with. It just gets to the point where youre either dope sick or barely surviving financially and physically. Very grateful and proud to have fully escaped the curse of opioid dependence and survive an overdose.

  3. Alcohol- Just like nicotine this is mainly only because of its availability and regulation, and to an addict, alcohol is a constant temptation that is usually right in your face all the time. I find it near impossible to relax alone or enjoy time w friends w out it.

  4. Cocaine- i have not ever feined for a drug like i have for coke. Coke addicts know that even when cocaine makes you feel like shit after your dopamine is depleted, its even harder to quit. The impulses to get a bag and snort it all as fast as i can haunt me all the time. Anytime i relapse it starts a coke obsession that lasts for weeks, sometimes months. I put it last though because my stimulant tolerance now is too high to achieve even a bit of euphoria, so as time goes on and i have longer sober streaks from it, the urges seem to be less constant.