Anyone else think weed high isn't that good?
This is obviosly and individualized expirence and will differ for everyone, but for me even when I was smoking all holidays I didn't really know why I did it. Just puts me into a weird head high that doesn't nessesarily feel better than just being sober. No real Euphoria. After I stopped and returned to weed Im rarely / unable to use it without anxiety now to.
It kind of annoys me theres no other drug aside from caffiene that really has minimal health affects with regular ish use because it just doesn't work well with my brain.
All my friends have just finished high school and smoking every day and telling me its just so good but its just eh. Like for me its the groggiest high even when not expirencing anxiety, it can be fun to fuck around and do stupid shit on but just sitting at home I can't even keep track of what Im watching. And when I did smoke for 2 months straight its just a massive blur in my head, I only remember a few of the highs
Also recently did MDMA but didnt get any affects, I actually got tired. Not on any SRRIS. Did it again a week later and it worked but wasn't the 'Best feeling in the world' I mean ive had better gym highs to be honest. Still felt very clean and good though. 160mg dose, first time was 100mg and 80mg redose. Should I do 300mg next time?