Looking for people to play with!!
So yeah gets a bit boring playing by myself sometimes, but yk not my fault that my friends dont have any interest in this game. They should tho, its sm fun. Anyways, im looking for a group of people to play with! If you’re interested in creating a friendgroup with me - and others interested in this game… Leave a comment, an upvote (so it reaches more people), and your user!! If you don’t want to leave your username below, feel free to pm me <3 I’ll be creating a discord server for us as well, so i would prefer if you guys had discord so you can join!
Little bit about me.. Im a newish player from Australia, i have played a couple of years ago, tho only came back to the game just recently. Im into art and drawing, so i would be happy to take drawing commissions of your dragons if you would like! Im in my late teen years, i won’t specify till i get to know you a bit more but lets just say its around that 16-18 mark :) Im a girl, i don’t care so much for pronouns personally, so feel free to just go by she/her - or honestly whatever you come up with. Im not picky lol. I have a boyfriend so im not looking to online date or anything like that either :)
Hope to see some of you in game!!