The New Coffee Mate Dirty Dr. Pepper is Impossible to Find
Hello Dr. Pepper community!
I have been stewing on this for the past two weeks and decided what better way to express my crazy soda brained thoughts than to Reddit?
A tiny bit of backstory, my mother LOVES dirty Dr. Pepper, so when news broke of the new Coffee Mate Coconut Lime, she was ecstatic and asked me to keep my eyes out for it. As a good child who wanted to fulfill that wish, I constantly looked all around for it. News articles said it would be available “nationwide” starting in March, so I held out hope that I would run into it. Never happened.
So, I started looking online. No one said they had it in stock, nor was there any place I could find to purchase it. I came across some posts on this site claiming they also had problems locating this product, and then I (jokingly) began telling my mother it was a conspiracy of sorts. That Coffee Mate put out the news about it, just to get a feel for if anyone actually wanted the product, and now that a LOT of people want it, they are scrambling trying to get it out as quickly as possible. She laughed, I laughed, and it was all in good fun.
Now, I have been seeing even more posts about not being able to find it. I still haven’t found it. I looked on their official locator last week and they didn’t even have an option to find it. I looked this week, and they finally have the option, but only like 5 states say they have some stores that have them.
Why is this the case? The news articles all claimed it would be nationwide starting in March. I understand there is still about a week left of this month, so maybe they can do it. Or maybe they meant “nationwide” as in it’s in a couple of states?
Perhaps, my theory was correct…? Or I just have way too much time on my hands and I’m frustrated I cannot find this for my mom. Yeah that’s probably more accurate. Anyway, I’d love anyone else’s thoughts on why a bunch of people can’t find this yet.