Thank you to the Disruptor from my turbo game early today

I think your name was CFO and you were the Disruptor in my turbo game earlier today - I was the offlane Viper. It was my third time ever playing with people, the mid Invoker was being awful to me and yelling at me so much and you defended me, even when his yelling got directed at you because of you defending me. Even when I said I was new he kept yelling and you kept defending me. Thank you, you've no idea how much you being nice and stepping in helped. You're a saint and I'm so glad to have had you in that game.

To Atlas the Invoker - I really tried, and I'll keep doing better, but I am new, and my 3 games to your 3500 mean I won't be as good. This is why I hesitated to play with actual people. You didn't communicate your rotations at all, and gave no direction, only yelled at me over your mic. I've played many bot games and routinely on hard, but new player mode only populated bots today so I was hoping I'd be paired with people close to my skill level in turbo. If I made moves it made you angry, if I waited to follow it also made you angry. I couldn't win with you today.