does this sound like an inner ear problem or something else?
SYMPTOMS: -constant vertigo no matter what (feels like my brain and body is swaying or falling. sometimes my head feels full, or like there’s pressure in it. sometimes my brain feels like it’s dropping and when that happens sometimes my whole vision will jerk downwards as if it’s falling too. sometimes when i walk i feel like i’m walking on a trampoline, or sinking into the ground. also my vision will randomly jerk and usually when that happens i get that weird feeling in my head too. sometimes when i stare at something my vision shakes around slightly)
-fatigue (sometimes i feel so tired no matter how much rest i get. it come and goes but for the most part i’m using tired)
-ear pain (pain feels achy/sharp/dull inside and around my ears mostly my right one)
-ear itchiness and fluid (the fluid is there every time i itch it)
-swollen nodule beside my right ear
-floatiness (sometimes feels like i’m in a dream)
-slight tingling in my right arm and hand (started today) ive also had the vertigo and fatigue for a whole year before this just not as bad and severe as it is now
three months ago i got a mastoid infection. i took antibiotics for two weeks and it did nothing. i then took allegra and nasal spray for a month and it still did nothing. i’m at a loss here and i’m desperate for any answers.
i was supposed to go to an ENT yesterday but it was cancelled due to severe weather. i have to wait two more weeks to go back, and my symptoms seem to get worse. it isn’t bad to the point where i’m falling over but it’s extremely uncomfortable.