Looking for advice regarding my parents impending divorce.
Howdy, this is going to be a bit of a long drabble.
To be honest I don't even know where to start.
My mom has severe peripheral neuropathy. It's in her hands, feet, arms, and legs. Everyday is nothing but pain for her. Because of this, she has been on disability since 2014. She makes about $19k a year on disability.
I live in a family of 5. Me (18), my mom (53), my brother (16) , my dad (50), and grandma. My dad is the breadwinner of the house. He has a pretty good job and makes almost $200k a year. He is the reason we can afford to live comfortably. We would not be able to afford medications or housing without him.
Because of my mom's disability my dad has grown to kind of resent her. He resents that she can't work because of her disability. Their marriage has had a bit of a tension for a while because of this. My dad doesn't want to be a caregiver but he kinda has too when no one else is around. Sometime in 2021 my mom got a message on Facebook claiming that my dad had been out with another married woman. That's kinda when all of this started.
My dad has told my mom multiple times that he wants to leave. Which isn't unexpected considering the infidelity. But as said earlier, if they get divorced my family won't be able to afford to keep living in our house or buy medications. My mom's medications are very expensive and she takes a ton of them. Not to mention numerous doctors appointments. (I live in a family plagued by health issues, myself included)
My mom is confiding in me with all of her concerns because she doesn't know what to do. She can't afford to live without my dad, but we know that when my brother turns 18 he plans on leaving on his own. And when he leaves I will be the only person working in my house. And a part time job at spirit halloween isn't going to keep us afloat. My mom only has about 5000 saved up to divorce my dad- unfortunately its going to cost a lot more than she has.
If anyone could give me advice about any of this i would immensely appreciate it. This short post is only a fraction of the issues going on in my house so I'll be willing to go more in detail if asked. Thank you.