Can we accept that we have different opinions on abortion?

I don't think this argument will ever come to an end. You can't magically force people to have the same opinions as you. Every time I see a debate about this dumb fucking topic, it always comes back to the same fundamental disagreement. One group thinks the life inside the woman doesn't have enough value to be kept alive, and the other side thinks the opposite. It never ends. I think there's a way to make everyone satisfied here, except for women who want to sleep around like whores. Why don't we make it legal, but with limits. Why don't we allow women to have 1 abortion and that't it. If a woman wants to have more than one abortion, she is most likely using it as birth control because she wants to sleep around like a piece of worthless garbage because she has no respect for herself. Let's not pretend otherwise.

When you have an abortion, you are ending a life whether you believe it or not. Some people think that is okay given that the life is inside the woman's body, and some think not. That is never going to change. Women have 41 forms of fucking birth control, condoms, and the ability to tell the man to pull out. Like I said, I think what I stated is the best way to make everyone relatively happy on this issue.