Fear Thy Neighbor: Lies, Lawns, and Murder
This episode enraged me. I understand the dog bite is technically Roland’s fault, but no one wants to bring up how that girl trespassed- after being told to stay on the porch. It sucks, but she didn’t listen and was attacked. Roland did pay for the first two medical bills and agreed to pay $20 a month for the third. The couple with the children have absolutely pissed me off on this episode. Take some damn responsibility and stop poking the bear (Roland). Tony should have went to jail after shooting at the daughter’s partner. Amy isn’t innocent either. Tony killing the dog was the last straw for me- absolutely no respect for this family and how they put the children in danger and senselessly killing an animal.
Both neighbors are wrong of course, but Amy& Tony playing the victims makes me sick. “he tried to take my family from me”- when the husband literally took Roland’s family from him.
Such a sad story. So mad.