PSA: Do not deliver the final blow in nightmare dungeons with Barrage.
I've read as much as I could find on the glyph xp bug for nightmare dungeons, and almost all of them include someone mentioning barrage.
This is really stupid, so I tested it this evening; I played 15 nms dungeons in a row, deliberately finishing the boss/last enemy/objective object with some other skill. The glyph kiosk showed up every time.
Then I did 5 ending on barrage intentionally, the kiosk didn't spawn once. That's as close to proof as I'm going to get. My advice would be just don't finish a nm dungeon with barrage. I still haven't seen any recognition from blizzard at all despite the many topics you can find about the bug. I don't know if there are any other triggers for it, but no doubt barrage can cause it.