Some ideas to improve Stormcaller's weaknesses
The main reason to play Arc Warlock right now is the strong combination of Indebted Kindness and Spark of Beacons, however that is available to all Arc subclasses. You're usually better off with the other two for melee (Liar's, Synthos, ...), solo survivability (Gifted Conviction, Combo Blow, Assassin's, Precious Scars) and even at grenade spam Arclock is not really better (Mothkeeper's, HOIL, Touch of Thunder).
Arc Souls are a bit underwhelming outside of 6 man activities. The main benefit of the Arc Soul Aspect though is the increased Rift regen when close to allies. So a potential fourth Aspect should be to fill the hole for survivability and extra damage when playing solo:
- Ionic Traces grant a stacking buff with increasing DR and grenade damage
- Maybe they heal?
As for the Arc Exotics with the exception of Vesper's they are either Super related and/or some flavor of get kills -> get ability energy. These got hit pretty hard by the chunk ability gain reworks.
Crown of Tempests and Fallen Sunstar are specialized and yet less impactful than a general use Exotic like HOIL. As HOIL does they should also get an ability damage buff and probably easier activation requirements as they currently work off kills vs mere ability usage and still have a lower regeneration than HOIL does.
- Crown of Tempests' buff should increase grenade and melee damage while active
- Fallen Sunstar could increase Jolt and Arc Soul damage + maybe occasionally spawn Orbs on Jolt kills?
- Crown of Tempests can't consistently bridge the gap between ability uses yet so either the timer should be extended or weapon kills should also count
- Fallen Sunstar ability gain basically got cut in half despite already being on a niche subclass so either the bonus to Ionic Traces should be increased or Ionic Traces should be buffed in general
Bungie, you're probably thinking about giving Arc Warlock some more access to Blind or Amplified or something extra for Arc Souls. Please don't. Give it actual survivability and damage.