I for one am really enjoying this episode.

I don't post often, but I want to bring some positivity. I'm liking this episode a lot. Here's a couple reasons:

  • The focus on Stasis is awesome because that element hasn't been front and center in a long time.
  • I actually enjoy the tonic system because I get new loot passively just for playing instead of getting a boring engram that I need to return to a social space to get the reward for
  • Mithrax's condition in the story being a consequence of a season from 2 years ago is a great continuation, and everyone's voice acting is excellent
  • I LOVE the removal of seasonal wep crafting because now I can get excited about non-deepsight drops again and don't have to grind hours for patterns and then level the freaking gun up. Been there, done that
  • Splicer weapons and Dark Ether Repear trait 👍👍👍
  • Garden reprisal hello?!?!
  • Despite power creep, Bungie is still finding ways to keep activities satisfyingly difficult
  • Vesper's Host and the success of the first Contest dungeon? Or the loot focusing functionality???
  • Vault access from anywhere HALLELUJAH!!!!

Now there are some valid criticisms. Tonics are too resource reliant, buffs after every loop in Contest of Elders were omitted even though they were the most fun part of The Coil (and that respawn bug after beating it needs to be fixed yesterday), the power creep continues to climb, scout and shotgun anti-barrier are rough options as neither of those are great for endgame, we got three good new autos but no champ mods for them. I've also seen people say there's been a ton more bugs than usual this episode but I can't comment on that as I simply haven't seen this.

I'm not trying to be contrarian, and the fact I took a couple weeks break after the beginning of the episode may skew my opinion, but let this be a reminder that in the grand scale big picture view of things Destiny 2 is in a really good spot. Ta-ta and farewell! 💃ðŸĪ˜ðŸ’–