It feels like newer Crucible players need a practice server.

I don't know what is going on anymore, I know numbers are horrific on this game, but Crucible has seen a steady, consistent drove of people who can't even manage .5 KDA anymore. Yeah, that's not KDR. That's every kill you even half assist on. I try my best to help them out in game, but it doesn't always work out so well.

Bungie doesn't seem to do a very good job teaching players the basics of Crucible, whether that be Control, heavy, loadouts, spawns, et cetera. Heck, just guiding new players to meta exotics might help at least a couple of them do better.

I think it's time to do something about your matchmaking algorithms for Crucible, Bungie. New players are not staying for this. Long time players are sick of the ridiculous team balances win or lose. Almost every game filled with leavers and rando's getting subbed in to massacres.

To support that notion, there is literally no reason to stay in a Clash match when the game is basically 50-25. It's completely over, and the idea that one player is supposed to somehow carry a three stack of muppets for 5 more minutes is absurd. Every day, no matter in Comp, Control, Clash, whatever. The same pattern is emerging: mass quits, .5 KDA new players stacked on a team, et cetera. It's a sweat fest, and I do fine, but I can see some people just aren't going to stay for it. Hell, I have drastically reduced my time outside Iron Banner. I just don't see the point anymore banging on noobs or being banged on.

I rarely if ever even see a balanced game anymore. This is maddening. Quitting has gotten so regular, so automatic, that it's destroying the game in ways.

And people will say well the population can't support a practice server. Bro, there is no population here. The newer and plain bad players are not getting better. They don't practice against anybody when they go .5 KDA lol. They just die. Over and over again.

If not a practice server then something needs to be done to balance them in games where they can slowly get better over time. Because this isn't it right now.

For the record, no, I am not at the bottom of the pile. I have multiple 20 streak medals, play solo only, and have a 1.9 KDA in Iron Banner this year. I'm not some super duper sweat, but I routinely do well. I do not play 3v3 because I don't find it fun or rewarding. I would prefer 5v5 for the majority of the maps. A lot of them seem like they would do well with 4v4. A couple are great or too small for 6v6.

I have stopped two 20+ streaks in the last three weeks. That's not something I have done literally ever until this month lol. That's how mismatched some of these games are.