Is rejuv actually always good?

In the super lategame this is out of the question. It's the single biggest advantage you can still get, let's do it.

However, earlier in the midgame, I often feel like winning teams do midboss and its actually to their detriment.

What happens is that the loosing team has to stay close to base to catch the pushing waves. this means you can't catch single enemies out of position.

It also means you loose a lot of minions who get killed by your superminions.

If the non-rejuv teams jungle is not up when doing midboss the rejuv team essentially only has their own jungle to farm, or they can do a teamfight under objective.

Both of those suck. Farming your own jungle is not an advantage and the non-rejuv team will out-farm you. Doing a full teamfight under objective also sucks, because objective damage matters for the first 25 minutes at least and the defender gets highground. Loosing this fight isn't as bad because of rejuv, but you loose a lot of soul lead.

Is there something I don't see here, or is this actually true?