Imagine doing 3/5 Gens on your own because your teammates consist of 2 screaming Steve’s purposely blowing gens up and doing fuck all, and a Trevor who doesn’t know what the hell he is doing, but at the very least he’s keeping Huntress occupied the whole game because she’s crap as a killer. Trevor does the last 2 Gens and as I’m making my way to a gate, crappy Huntress hits me around the corner thanks to having TOT so I had no idea where she is and she then has NOED so I just get downed immediately. The 2 Steve’s then teabag me and the Huntress spins around me, then I get moried to death, all the whilst Trevor just escapes!

Congrats Huntress for being so fucking ass at this game that you resort to using NOED and you are lucky you didn’t have to be teamed with 2 Steve’s who make your life living hell! I never get frustrated at games very often but good fucking lord this was M-I-S-E-R-A-B-L-E and I am not having ANYONE take this away from me!