How to follow baby steps

I am 22M. I have ~$75k in student loan debt (~$25k in government loans and ~$50k in a refinanced loan (4.31% rate)). I don’t need to make payments on the government loans yet because I am in grad school paid for by my work and still in grace period.

I make $65k a year pre tax from my job. My work has a 401k or Roth 401k with a 7% match. I currently live at home and have no rent/relatively low food expenses, and spend ~$200-$250 per month on gas. I also have ~$10k in a HYSA (4.0% APY)

I don’t know the best way to use my money. My thoughts is I should be hitting the 7% company match then dumping as much into my refinanced loan as possible, but I didn’t know if I should be starting to save for a house, or putting $7k a year into a Roth IRA, or any other suggestions.