How can I remove water spots?

I’ve started developing my own 35mm and I’m using an Ultrafine Unicolor powder c-41 kit. Seems like the stabilizer is leaving these water droplets on the film. I read here that you never want to touch or wipe the film during the development but there are these droplets that I can see when they come out of the tank and stay on even when I try to shake them off. Anyone have ideas how to remove these?

I’ve started developing my own 35mm and I’m using an Ultrafine Unicolor powder c-41 kit. Seems like the stabilizer is leaving these water droplets on the film. I read here that you never want to touch or wipe the film during the development but there are these droplets that I can see when they come out of the tank and stay on even when I try to shake them off. Anyone have ideas how to remove these?