there’s so much hatred in game recently :(

i don’t mean like “eww your outfit sucks” sort of hate, i mean genuine hatred that’s being spread. i’ve been seeing a lot of anti-muslim, anti-black and anti-lgbt rhetoric on the game recently, and it’s becoming way more prominent than it used to be.

i understand that a lot of the people who play the game are younger and impressionable, so they probably just repeat what they’ve learned, but it’s getting out of hand now imho. literally the last 3 games i joined there was some kind of ‘gag’ about muslim and black people specifically:

  1. someone came out wearing the black cloak hood, someone said “omg its giving muslim”
  2. airport theme: someone dressed up as a muslim with a backpack and a basketball coloured to be a bomb, went “kaboom”
  3. goth theme, someone was complaining that a black avatar won because apparently… you have to be white to be goth…???
  4. bonus: exact same thing happened with airport theme in a different server within the same day

i wish there was a way to actually do something about it in game, rather than just roblox’s report system. maybe votekick? although i can see it getting abused very easily unfortunately. it just makes me really sad because i dont know where this has all come from. granted, theres always been people like this on dti, as in any game, but its exploded in frequency in the past week for some reason.

unless i’m getting evil servers frequently by chance? is anyone else experiencing this too?