Most dramatic rumor
I feel like being gossipy, annoying, and spicy tonight so share your most dramatic rumor you've heard. Remember, rumors can be both true and false. This is strictly just sharing rumors you've heard or that have been talked about in this sub, regardless the validity. We haven't had a good gossip sesh in a while.
I'll go first...
Reiners salon stopped working with the girls because Reiner got tired of Kellis incessant involvement, even at the detriment of a girls look. He got tired of her trying to run the show in his own space when she would proclaim "we give it to the experts". In short, he was offended and annoyed by her micromanaging his salon and employees and broke the relationship with the organization because he was tired of it.
Bonus rumor: Production during MTT days would scout for people to troll. There were those that willingly wanted to come and tryout first round and had no business doing so, just wanted to do it for fun and live out some far fetched dream. And then there were those that production would seek out and give incentive to come on TV to be a fool for the camera.