Kelli and Judy’s Relationship with Victoria and Tina Now
There’s been a lot of recent discussion about how Kelli and Judy’s Relationship is with Victoria and her mom now, specifically Victorias relationship with Kelli. I’ve seen recent interviews VK has done with US weekly saying she hasn’t had contact with Kelli since but just a “good luck in NY” and “you’re not allowed to post the thunderstruck dance videos on TikTok” as well as pretty recent today an article coming out with Victoria saying she doesn’t plan on telling Kelli and Judy about her news in the future of becoming a rockettes and that they can find it themselves through social media. And hope that they see her thriving. She also says no comment when asked about how she feels about Kelli now
It’s really shocking for me cause I didn’t know how much Victoria disliked K&J now. Any thoughts?