Recommendations for a weekend trip with my sister and 2 dogs?

Hi all,

Still really enjoying the community of this group! Thank you!!

I'm relatively new to the area (moved here in August). My sister is coming to visit from the West Coast, and she's never been here. Since she has a long trip and will be here during my birthday, we're talking about taking a weekend trip in the surrounding area for the third weekend in November. We'll bring my two dogs.

Does anyone have recommendations for a seasonally appropriate, outdoors-y trip for ~2 nights away? Particularly interested in recommendations for non-urban stuff, like state parks (I think it's too late for Shenandoah fall leaves), beaches (even if they're cold), or other scenic, cute, quiet places we could get an AirBnB, go for some nice walks, maybe have a decent meal, and just chill?

Thank you!!