Capsule endoscopy experiences

So i’m finally starting my crohns diagnosis journey after two years of being dismissed, misdiagnosed and ignored!

I suffer a lot from constipation rather than diarrhoea (I do still get bouts of diarrhoea) which led a lot of doctors to think it was just IBS-C. I later found an amazing doctor who done blood tests and a calprotectin test and it came back that I was very inflamed and my calprotectin test came back very high.

I was told that a capsule endoscopy would be carried out so I started reading into it.

Some people were saying that you shouldn’t be given it if you have a family history of IBD or if you have a blockage. I’m not entirely sure how true this is but some of my family members are already diagnosed with crohns and i’m super constipated (i normally have a bm every 10/11 days, longest was 28 :/). My guess is that there either is something blocking it or it’s just really inflamed.

Does anyone have any experiences or advice about getting the capsule endoscopy? Whether you suffer from constipation more or not, it’s just so nerve racking knowing there’s gonna be a camera chilling in my intestines for a couple of hours lol.