Definition of "actively employed"

Question for employees regarding this.

My warehouse is relatively new. I've been employed for over a year and am a cashier— a role that always seems to be churning people in and out.

I'm also a recipient of the Costco Employee Scholarship, which pays each semester based on whether or not you're "actively employed" with the company. I've also been offered, and subsequently accepted, a study abroad opportunity in the upcoming fall term that is essential towards completing my program which the scholarship is helping fund.

My manager has expressed full desire and support to bring me back on board upon my return from studying overseas, especially since I'll be returning right before the busy holiday season begins. However, she's not quite sure if I can retain the scholarship- and they were under the assumption they'd just have to release and rehire me. This would not only null the scholarship but also accrued benefits as well as reinstate the 90-day probationary period. I talked to my manager and payroll clerk who both said that the max amount of unpaid leave that can be offered is less than the amount of time I'll be studying abroad. They also suggested talking to the GM- which is something I have not done yet but intend to do.

I reached out to the proxy service offering the scholarship who said that corporate "checks eligibility every year" and confirms who qualifies for the scholarship or not, and then reiterated that it's up to how the company would classify me while studying abroad-- whether I may be classified as "actively employed" while studying or not classified at all should I be released. Coworkers suggested using Unum, but it's my understanding that Unum only pertains to medical issues.

I guess my question here is... what can I do? My personal interpretation of "actively employed" is just staying on payroll and getting scheduled. Is there a way I can do this through a Limited Part-Time spot and using vacation/sick time to meet the required pay period hours? Or something through CSRP? My warehouse has never had anyone do CSRP, but we recently had a transfer from a warehouse that does CSRP, so they've been experimenting through them. Last case resort, the country I'll be going to has a vast amount of Costco's in the area. Would a temporary international transfer even be a possibility to retain being actively employed?