I feel like I suck at cooking with a glass stovetop and I don’t understand what the issue is
It had been a little while of me hardly cooking so at first I thought it was just me getting back in my groove
But now it’s been months and I feel like I’ve lost any ability to cook? I don’t know how hot it is, it’s harder to control the temp, and it feels like I can’t simmer anything. I’ve made marinara sauce multiple times (something I’m sure I know how to do and never had a problem with) and I end up heating it too much because it’s like I can’t just have it on super low. When I need high heat it’s somehow not right, but also when I need low heat it turns on then flickers off. I have not been able to make sautéed onions in months, they burn too quick and if I try to set it to low it turns on for a little then off. And I love onions so I’m suffering lol
I see people complain about electric flat top stoves but does anyone have any advice before just accept my new life of never successfully sautéing or simmering ever again?