lacto fermented hatch chile hot sauce a little grassy - fixes?
I've never lacto fermented peppers before, but our hatch chiles were aggressively productive and I figured i'd try my hand at fermenting some of them out. I fermented them in a glass jar in a 3.5% salt solution with a small handful of peeled garlic from our garden in my pantry for a few weeks and then transferred to my wine fridge for a slower fermentation. At almost 2 months, I drained the jar, and blended up the chiles and garlic with some hatch chiles that I charred, peeled, and deseeded yesterday, adding a little of the fermentation liquid, and a bit of distilled white vinegar.
The resulting sauce is pretty OK, but it has a pronounced grassy smell/flavor, almost akin of olive oil, which is I assume a result of the chiles being fresh. I'm wondering if adding acid will calm that down a bit, or is this just a thing that needs to mellow for a few months?