I have discovered mushrooms. What could be next?

ll my life I hated mushrooms, and i suspect it was simply based on how my Dad cooked them Now, at 48 I decided to try them again - mostly becuase I realised I love the flavour of truffles and that has to be at least a bit truffle like, right?

Over the course of the year I discovered many types of cooking mushroom including silver oyster, swiss and King Oyster Mushrooms. I have yet to try portobello or Shiitake.

This has enhanced my cooking and I am excited to try other things. I have never been able to eat seafood - not shellfish or any other. I feel like I am allergic but it is perhaps just a strong preference. But I envy sushi eaters.

I am interested in other stories of people who embraced foods later in life with happy outomes. What are yours?