Round 21 Spring 1938
Western Turkey is falling apart. Not only are they in the middle of bloody civil war, but are being invaded by Italy, UR and France. Luckly for Western Turkey UR's operation has failed and Istanbul is still standing, but still under danger of falling.
Syrian rebels started to spring up all over Lebanon and Northern Syria provinces of France. They seem to have some supporters that are funding them.
German spy networks have uncovered some information about who might have funded Czechoslovakia. Their biggest suspects are Luxemborg(20-60M) and UR(No exact number, mostly tanks). Other possible supporters are Yugoslavia(Humanitarian aid), France, Greece and Poland.
Attacks on military ordinance factories all over Europe. There have been reports of terrorist groups destroying many military producing and maintaining facilities. For now its not certain if they are connected or not, but countries where it happened are: Germany, Sweden, Baltica and Spain.