Is there anything to curb sh*tty driving?

I sat parked on the highway for 4 hours today in traffic on I84. Nothing new, right? When I finally moved, I saw a black drape, firetrucks on the opposite side blocking the view Eastbound, and can only assume there was a fatality. Suddenly sitting in traffic didn't seem so bad after all, especially if someone's loved one isn't going to return home ever again (EDIT: 2 young men lost their life in this incident).

Fatality on route 8 last night in Shelton, too. I'm sorry for these families... working in the ER, it's the drunks and maniac jerks that survive many a time and the innocent people just trying to get home that are being peeled off the roadway. And it's the attorneys and litigation process that gets these drivers off, with meaningless (if any) penalties.

But I do not understand how BAD drivers have been since the pandemic. It was never this bad before. How can people suck so bad at driving? How stupid are people in CT when it comes to driving? Is it not caring? Does tailgating inches from someone's bumper and blinding others with your HIDs help you get somewhere faster? I see little law enforcement patrolling on Route 8 and areas with known issues where these fatalities occur. Even if they were JUST PRESENT shooting radar so people wouldn't be tempted to do 100. People can steal license plates and I don't think cameras would really deter much.

/rant. Thanks to those of you who do drive safe and those of you who respond to accidents and fatalities.

EDIT: I appreciate everyone's responses and understandably we all deal with bad drivers wherever we go, CT or not. Looking at this from a Root Cause Analysis kind-of view, there doesn't seem to be any end-all solution without getting political and considering other ramifications (increasing mass transit, making communities walkable in CT- HA!)... because the problem is multi-faceted and doesn't have an easy solution. I think I felt obligated to post this today to deal with the psychological trauma of seeing a tarp on 84 and knowing someone died behind that. Please stay safe out there.


There were 5 fatalities over the weekend across CT the night this was posted.

I reached out to Josh Morgan, spokesperson for CT DOT, for comment re: this weekend's deadly incidents and wait to hear back. Nice to know DOT will spend $17million replacing signs to change exit numbers. No, don't try to make roads safer with better markings but let's just change up the exit numbers instead. Aside from signage to prevent someone from entering an exit ramp, I see little action from DOT aside from guardrail repair and fixing knocked poles down.

Want to acknowledge a message in here from someone that I felt was important and should be visible:

 * Please move over/slow down for those working in construction lanes 
 * Please move over/slow down when you see a disabled vehicle
 * Please move over/slow down/stop when you see an emergency vehicle behind you 

Likely the people here reading this already have a strong use of common sense and heed this advice but feel necessary to post. Slow down, CT!