Cognitive FX?
Hello! Hope you all are well and looking for some advice, also able to give advice aswell. I feel like I’ve tried a lot of things and I’ve been dealing with symptoms for a long time still. I first hit my head five years ago. It’s been a roller coaster since then for sure ups downs all around, with a few more head hits along the road. Still to this day though , I am struggling to continue on with a schedule that would make me happy.
What I’ve tried as of now is Eamon’s clinic, hyperbaric, What I’ve tried as of now is Amens clinic, hyperbaric, oxygen therapy oxygen therapy, chiropractic Man and he also had a degree with eye work. Normal concussion protocol stuff as well such as basic eye work and workouts.
The two pretty intensive things I’m looking at are cognitive FX in mind eye institute which both require me to go to a different state. I would have financial support of my parents, but I don’t want it to be a waste. Does anyone have experience with any of these or something else that’s great and works for multiple concussions and longtime post concussion syndrome?