Turning 40, never been to a concert
As the title says, I’ve never been to a concert my entire life. Just never happened. Not only am I turning 40 next year it’s also a 10 year cancer free anniversary for me so I’d like to do a few things before I get too old/die 😏 and going to a concert is definitely one of them.
If I were to go to one concert my entire life, what would you suggest? FYI I’m located in the western US so availability on this side of the country would be ideal.
Just to give you an idea of some bands/groups/artists I listen to:
AJR odesza Alan Walker Apashe David Guetta Justin Timberlake Twenty One Pilots Connor Price Also grew up in the 90’s/2000’s so I love me some Sum41/Blink182/etc
Thanks for any suggestions!