Im quitting the game until they nerf hazard

He is a hybrid tank of dive and brawl. so in other words he should not be able to out brawl a brawl tank or out dive a dive tank. but at the moment he can do both. i main rein and winton at high dia low master. as rein you lose the tank trade cuz he can shoot you at range. and even if he comes into hammer range he just holds block and that forces you to hold shield because your 25 dmg swing isnt going to do shit to him and his entire team is now shooting u for free. sometimes pinning him into my entire team dosent even kill him. so even in a scenario where the brawl tank should win they dont.  As winston you can just play him like ddva and mark you for the entire game and u cant do anything about it either. not to mention if a winton jumps into a bad position he gets slept antied bubble bursted and die. if hazard jumps into a bad position he walls off your tanks holds block for 4 seconds and his jump is off cooldown then jumps out scot free. what he just did what slash in doing 80 dmg holding block for 4 seconds doing even more dmamge and jumping away without being punished. and after he gets out after fully depleting his block 4 seconds later just when his jump is off cooldown his entire block i charged to full. sleeping him and nading him does nothing. he just holds block for another 4 seconds. you cant really shoot his back as a tank either cuz ull have ur back exposed to the enemy team.

this dude is also a buggy mess i had a couple of times where he just walls me into narnia. an instakill for no reason.

the worst change they ever gave to him was the 108 to 180 degree damage reduction. he is nigh unpunishable right now.

i really liked this hero at the playtest cuz theres risk reward and you will get severely punished for your mistakes. I.E. a rein pinning u into a wall will probably kill u. now this dude is just ridiculously op. Ive played him and it feels like i just cannot die. if i were playing any other tank in that scenario i woulda died but on this dude i just wont die.

Tldr hazard has the survivablity of osisa and the mobility of a jump and enough burst dmg to kill most squishies. terrible balence i quit