UPDATE: on my previous post on being hardstuck diamond (still here)

I am still stuck here lmao

If you want to read this long post below ahead, this is mainly just me trying to work through my thoughts

Initial Reflection

However, I've learned a few things from the helpful comments and suggestions other players made in my previous post. A couple of people suggested that I take a break from the game and if the game isn't fun for me anymore, simply don't play it. Imo the previous meta (Christmas patch with automata reigning) was a pretty toxic one and I still spammed games to try and climb, to no avail.

In this new patch, the meta is a lot more balanced and feels like a lot of comps are viable. However, I think I've noticed the biggest thing for me—I only like the game when I win. For some this might make sense but thinking about it, I've had multiple days where I get one bad game, blame RNG, and queue up right after—just to lose the next couple of games. And turns out this is a pretty vicious cycle that's going on, as I simply am not having fun with the game unless I'm winning.

The thing is, I'm sure there are clear flaws in my gameplay. However, I'd rather spam games and hope to high roll to climb instead of doing stuff like VOD reviewing. What's the point of this post?—you might ask. I noticed in my previous original post's comments (and I'm sure many others out there) who are in the same boat as I am (easy climb to diamond but stretch to Masters is very difficult). I've come to accept that as of now, I'm just a diamond player. I'm good enough to hit this rank but not good enough (and not willing to put in the work to climb higher).

I've done all of the usual stuff (look at tactics tools and wonder how I demoted from D2 to D4 in a few games or blame low rolling when I lose. I think the message I'm trying to get across for both myself and others in the same boat out there is, that it's important to accept your current flaws. After another 50-60 games or so and staying the same rank, I've come to accept that without putting in the work to improve, I won't climb higher—and I don't want to put in that work, so I won't climb.

Moving Forward

But I'm content with that now. I think 2-3 weeks ago when I was initially stuck, I wasn't sure what to do and that's why I made my previous post. And back then, my ego wouldn't let me get past it—some said to take a break but I still believed I could spam enough games and hit Masters. However, I noticed that after this new meta has come and new comps are opening up, I'm still not having fun with the game. I need a break—and that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

I feel like most things in life, if you don't like it then why do it? And TFT is no different. I think this was a mental blockade for me that I needed to accept, and finally, I think I've worked out my thoughts. I'm gonna take this time I spent (and would have spent) on TFT to other things I think actually make me happy. I've recently picked up a part-time job so I can earn some extra cash while wrapping up uni, currently doing a couple of interviews for full-time grad offers, and I started playing Pokemon Scarlet! Maybe I'll try to climb ranked in league too (never really done so).

I'm gonna take time for other things that are fun/exciting in my life! Maybe in the future sometime I will revisit and try to push, but for now, I'm turning my attention somewhere else. Cheers.