Stowaway lizard living in my garage. What can I do?

Me and my van were down in Florida a couple of months ago, and I now have what I believe to be a stowaway lizard living in my garage. He's obviously not causing any harm because it took us this long to notice him, and I know for certain we have enough bugs in there to keep him alive, but I can't imagine that my garage is the best place for him to be living especially once it gets cold. I don't want to kill him, but is there somewhere I can take him or someone I can call to get him to a safe place for him to live?

The stowaway in question.


11/1 5am - No sign of my little buddy in any of my traps. :(

11/1 8am - Still no sign. I put out a work light on top of some pavers to hopefully warm them up and put the traps near the light. So if I can't catch him he can at least warm up a bit.

11/2 6am - I have still not been able to nab my buddy. :( We're going to get some tasty bugs and put out more traps in hopes that'll get him.

11/2 12pm - I am really worried that he's already gone. But I put out a small terrarium with some substrate, a small water dish, and another dish with some meal worms along with a couple of additional pop bottle traps with meal worms. I got a red warming light as well to replace the work light. I read somewhere that the bright white of the work light may have been too bright for him. The terrarium has a screen on top that I've left open so he can get in and I'm hoping that maybe if he climbs in I can quickly shut him in before her runs away. Fingers crossed.

11/3 10am - I think I may have missed the window to catch my little buddy. Lots of food and heat lamps out for him, but I haven't seen him at all and none of the food is getting eaten. :( I won't update again unless I find him. Sorry buddy, I tried.