All absences are now unexcused now
The attendance policy at my school changed and now there are no excused absences. Not even if you’re sick and have a doctor’s note because apparently that’s a breach of student privacy? Unless you have covid, you have to come to class or risk getting an FX and failing.
I have a lecture + lab that meets every day and for that class we get 2 excused absences for the whole semester. I get bad migraines and last semester I had a migraine that knocked me out for 2 days, third day I tried to go to one of my classes and the professor sent me home because I looked so bad. I told my lecture/lab professors about it and they said that I can go to student accommodations and see if they can do something about it but I still have to come to class, even if my neurologist gives writes a note.
I’m not someone who is chronically absent, I just feel like this is so unfair. Clearly whoever made the new attendance policy has never gotten their period randomly right before their class started, making them need to go home and change, then get hit with horrible cramps and be stuck in bed hugging a heating pad all day (definitely didn’t happen to me last semester)…
Super frustrating and potentially dangerous as well making sick students come to class. To quote one of my professors: “just wear a mask to protect the other students”