I miss guitars in Coldplay's music
I may be in the minority but I would like to see Coldplay turn on the guitar amps and plug in the overdrive pedals again. I have missed this element of Rush of Blood the Head and Viva La Vida. Not a complete return to this sound, but make the guitar more of a central element again instead of synths, strings, and piano.
I'm only 16 so I realize I am a young fan and missed out on this earlier era of the band. Viva La Vida and Parachutes are my favorite albums. I just listen to these records and want to hear some of these sounds again.
Oh, and they should put a pause on all collaborations.
And, I love Will Champion’s drumming, but they should make a rule that no techno or 4 on the floor beats are allowed for a while.
Then see what comes out of it.