Title: My TH16 Clash of Clans Account Got Hacked and Supercell Support Isn't Helping! Please Help Me!
I am heartbroken and frustrated right now. My main Clash of Clans account, a TH16, was hacked, and the Supercell support team isn't helping at all. This account is incredibly close to my heart because it's my very first account, and I've spent years playing on it.
Here’s my story:
I’m not rich, so I save money for months just to make small in-game purchases. I’ve invested a lot in this account, both emotionally and financially.
About a year ago, I took a break from the game. Recently, I saw a YouTube video about TH17 and got excited to play again.
When I tried to log in using my Supercell ID, it asked for an OTP. I waited 10 minutes, but no OTP came. At first, I thought it was a server issue and ignored it.
The next day, the same thing happened. But then I noticed something strange—my account was online in my friend list! Someone else was playing on my account.
I checked my email and found a shocking mail (which, unfortunately, went unnoticed in my inbox for 6 months) confirming that someone else had gained access to my account.
Here’s what’s frustrating me the most: How could Supercell give my account to someone else without verifying the OTP or confirming it with me first? This feels so unfair.
I have all the proof that this account is mine, including receipts of my purchases.
I’ve tried to reach out to in-game support multiple times, but the bot always says, “Failed to verify your account,” and I never get a human to talk to.
At this point, I don’t know what to do. I’m turning to this community as a last resort. If any Supercell support members see this or if anyone knows a way to escalate my issue, please help me. I’ve poured so much time, effort, and money into this account, and losing it like this is devastating.