Best tank mates, opinions?
Hello all, I have a 5-5.5” (ish) long and 3” tall Oscar. He (not verified) is currently alone, but has had another Oscar with him before, which he grew faster than and bullied to the point of fin nipping and restricting them from food. So, I rehomed the other Oscar. But, now that I’ve had him longer, (about 5-6 months) his personality has really come out and he’s quite social, with me anyways. So, based on my local ma and pa shop’s advice and a lot of research on some different species or varieties within a particular family I’ve leaned towards 11 POSSIBLE tank mates for him and need some much appreciated and essential feedback on them, as some of them I haven’t kept before and others I have. But this list was compiled based on parameters that would be alike, sizes that could NOT be eaten and hold their own, temperaments that would be what I saw as good matches, not as just oscars but specifically for my own Oscar, and also took into account where in the tank these fish would typically spend their time. All feedback is much appreciated, thank you! (P.S. I’m aware of tank size requirements, and am currently trying to get ahold of glass to start putting together a larger tank than I have currently. So, if you know of good places for that too, that’d be appreciated too.)
Tiger moray, Orinoco Dolphin Catfish (also known as the Unicorn Dolphin Catfish), Geophagus (most likely Sveni or Threadfin), Silver arowana, Delhezi, Weeksi, or Lapradei Bichir, Banded Knifefish, Common Pleco, or a Flowerhorn.