Stop teaching about hell!

I have written a few posts here criticizing the doctrine of hell as it has traditionally been understood. My criticism has been from both a rational and a moral point of view. I will eventually address some of the points made in response to my posts, but in this post I just want to ask everyone one thing:

Stop teaching that hell exists, especially to children!

Scaring children with the patently irrational and deeply immoral lie that one can go to hell and suffer eternal torture that never ends must be considered child abuse. There are many children who have suffered greatly from this and it has affected them well into adulthood.

As an example, Richard Dawkins tells in "The God Delusion" about a girl who was both sexually abused and lost her best friend to cancer. The problem was that the girl was raised Catholic and the friend Protestant (or vice versa), and according to the girl's religion, the friend would go to hell because she had the wrong faith. The girl said that she suffered more when she thought about her friend being tormented in hell than from the consequences of the sexual abuse.

It should be forbidden to scare children with such things and parents, priests and preachers, etc. who do so should be punished, in this life! Those who scared the girl with this are just as criminal as the person who sexually abused the girl Dawkins tells about.

And even adults can be harmed by hell propaganda. So please, stop doing that, and for your own sake, stop believing in that!

By the way, if you yourself go to heaven, can you enjoy life there if you know that there are people who are tormented for eternity in hell?