CHIP/PocketCHIP Raspberry Pi 2 / RPi2 Flasher image
This is a repost of my response from a couple of other posts, but I know I had a ton of issues trying to find something like this, so I hope this helps.
I don't have the original link from when I got this back in 2018, but someone was wonderful enough to make this as simple-stupid as possible, and I want to make sure people don't have the same headache I had. This is for a Raspberry Pi 2/2B+. I have not tried it on other models, so good luck.
Whomever the saint was that built this, made it super easy to use:
- You flash an SD card with the IMG file.
- You boot the Pi, and let it go through it's thing (resizing partition, etc...)
- Login creds are default Raspberry Pi OS creds: User: pi Pass: raspberry
- Enable FEL mode on your CHIP board (i.e. jump the pins for Ground and FEL), and plug the CHIP into your Pi via micro-usb from the CHIP to USB-A on the Pi. The little white/purple LEDs should lightup on the CHIP.
- Run the SH script in the default directory, and follow the prompts on the screen to what kind of CHIP you are using.
-Once it completes, you can shut down the Pi, unplug the CHIP and if it's from a PocketCHIP you can put it back on the PocketCHIP frame, and it should be like brand new.
From there, it will be the last default version of Debian that was available from Next Thing Co. If you have any custom builds you have an IMG for that work with the CHIP, you can take a look at the scripts this uses, and possibly either replace the file it's using or change the scripts to point to your custom image. Either way, if you have an unused RPi2 like I did, it makes for a simple flashing tool (replacing the need for a linux server to do this).
Something to note: Make sure the USB to Micro-USB cable you are using supports Data and is not just a charging cable. I have too many of those power-only cables.
The link for the files is:
Contents of this share:
chip_flasher.img: The RPi2 image with flasher scripts already in it
Readme.txt: Step-By-Step instructions on how to do this.
rufus-3.17p.exe: "Portable" version of Rufus (i.e. does not need an install) I just downloaded today to test the image. I know this will burn the image to the SD card correctly, but you can also use BalenaEtcher or the Raspberry Pi flashing tool, though I can't verify they will work. All of these files conveniently archived into a ZIP file.
Note: This is a good alternative if you cannot get the Windows flasher or Linux flasher to work. I could never get my Windows PC, Kali Linux laptop or linux VM to ever see the CHIP when in FEL mode, and the RPi seems to see it every time.
Note 2: I recommend using a shorter USB cable, 6 foot or less should be fine, but when I tried my 12 foot USB cable it failed out.
If anyone knows where the original image of this came from, please let me know, I'd love to give credit where it's due. For anyone struggling, this is a good start to wipe the CHIP back to factory defaults.